Happy Fall! Its that time of year again- football games on friday nights and bonfires with your group of friends, pumpkin spice lattes, roasted pumpkin seeds, hot coca and snuggling up under blankets.
Fall is my favorite season (and its my favorite clothing season as well), I love being warm under lots of layers and scarfs, its fantastic!
I am currently at my kitchen table eating breakfast (oatmeal, granola bar, and hot coca) before I head off to the football game today against our biggest rival for my university.
I decided as I was chomping away at my breakfast I would write a post and do a outfit idea since I was feeling inspired this weekend. Thursday night I did some laundry and then proceeded to take almost every single article of clothing that was already hung up and pair them all together to make outfits, (I am always complaining about what to wear in the morning) so I ended up creating about 4-5 weeks worth of outfits (accessories and all) and hung them into my closet to make getting dressed in the morning so much easier. Why didn't I think of this before?!
My style and things I like change constantly, recently I've been into the effortless hipster sort of look- alternative, artistic and staying true to who you are. Yet, the past few days I have been sort of falling in love with the preppy fashion personality. Its clean and classic and always looks put together. When I take fashion personality quizzes online, I tend to get a answer like bohemian, alternative etc. and then sometimes I will get one that tells me I am classic. I want to try and find a balance between all the fashion personalities that I really love and put them together in one that is perfect for me. I hope you join me on this quest for personal style.
I have a couple of things that I have bought recently that I want to do a collective haul post on. Some new nail polishes, shampoo/conditioner, jewelry, planner etc. and I will post it soon once I fulfill my promise of a thrift shopping extravaganza with my roommate (that will be so much fun- she's a hoot).
Hope all is going well in everyones classes, work and just, life in general.