I've been waiting all month for this day, and it finally has come! The arrival of my May Planner Society Kit! And wow, she is gorgeous. I had taken a few pictures after I unboxed, and I am now realizing that I deleted them off my camera when I cleared the memory for my next filming session. I loved filming today, it was fun! And I think that the video turned out quite nice. Here it is below, I would love it if you would subscribe if you have a YouTube Channel!
I will do an in depth, blog post soon with some pictures of everything in my Kate Spade, as well as some of what I have left from setting it up. Now I know better about making sure I have pictures on my desktop before deleting the content from my SD card, ugh. I'm hoping to get some good shots with some decent lighting tomorrow after work. I'm diving face first into this, so I hope you enjoy. *mwah!