The Holidays Are Among Us

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Holidays Are Among Us

Today is December 3, 2013. Which means that there are 22 days till Christmas morning! And because it is now the holiday season, there is no doubt in my mind that there will be plenty of Holiday party's that everyone will be attending. I'm actually going to one tomorrow night- I'm excited to break out my dress and show off some curves! ;) 

ANYWAY- back to Holiday related parties, I feel like red is always the perfect color for december, or a dark green. Yes Christmas colors are red, and green, so thats part of it but red stands out boldly against the dark colors associated with the winter season. Plus, red is a power color and it definitely has that sexy edge to it. 

Some may argue against matching the shoes and the clutch but I feel like if its really minimal, for example only the shoes and the clutch and isn't overpowering THEN I feel as if it is a alright thing to do. Some rules are meant to be broken. 

OH- and a girl can never go wrong with a red lip and a classic low bun. 


p.s. I added the Santa hat on the image on the bottom left- I thought it was adorable;) I love the holiday season SO much. The atmosphere, the decorations, everything about it!! <3


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