Moleskine Notebook

Friday, August 9, 2013

I am CONSTANTLY doodling, writing, journaling, drawing... the works. In various different notebooks  and I seriously have been eyeing up these Moleskine notebooks... for... monthssss. And today I ended up in Barnes &Noble and was looking over the whole store for them and found one I liked that was just a black one with a closing like strap but it wasn't plain paper (which was what I was looking for) and then I found a blue one that wasn't Moleskine but was alot cheaper (and lined not blank). So my friend that I was with, I asked her what I should decide on and she said Moleskine. So I ended up splurging on them and getting the set of three (which in the end ended up having more paper than the blue one anyway and I am all about the amount of paper). They were $18.98. Which yeaaahhh, is steep for blank journals but hey- I'm happy and paid for them with my own money so... yeah :)

Yes I know the top one has a stripe from the sun.. it gives it...

Hope your having a wonderful day!



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